
Meet the team

Association of Professional Futurists, Saudi Arabia

Heba Alhadyian, a design strategist, researcher and futurist, brings over a decade of experience in human-centered design across the technology, innovation, and startup sectors. She has consulted for private and public clients worldwide in UX design, service design, and design strategy. Applying a transdisciplinary lens, Heba contextualizes complex and emergent issues to facilitate client anticipation and decision-making. Her professional engagements span Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Sweden, China, and the United States, emphasizing her goal to lead culturally relevant experiences. Heba holds a master’s degree in design management, a bachelor’s degree in architecture, and a graduate certificate in strategic foresight. Her people-centered approach shapes her writing and is central to fostering meaningful conversations and participatory decision-making processes. Embracing a wayfinding mindset, Heba’s profound interest lies in understanding individuals and cultures within complex systems, reflecting her commitment to conscious directions ahead. As an APF Emerging Fellow Futurist, Heba continues to expand her foresight capabilities through writing for the APF Emerging Fellows blog and engaging in the broader discourse on global futures. With this exposure, she recognizes the need to make futures thinking accessible through localization and culturally relevant applications.

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Abdulrahman Alsulaimi, a transdisciplinary researcher, healthcare practitioner, educational consultant, and futurist from Saudi Arabia, brings a multidimensional perspective to his work, fueled by his diverse academic and professional background. Abdulrahman recently obtained his Executive Doctor of Education in professional leadership for health science education from the University of Houston, focusing on integrating futures thinking into leadership. Driven by an eternal curiosity to learn and explore, Abdulrahman is also completing his Masters in Strategic Foresight at the same university. With a firm belief in the transformative but subtle power of storytelling and creativity, Abdulrahman approaches today’s complex problems with purposeful foresight. He advocates for the strategic use of conjecture, intuition, and speculation—approaches often undervalued in standard bureaucratic systems—to unlock unique opportunities and foster transition. Abdulrahman’s enthusiasm for narratives and intuitive leadership shines through his academic pursuits. His commitment to dissecting the nuances of how futures studies can forge pathways for more inclusive and intentional systems reflects his deep understanding of the field’s potential. Through his work, he strives to illustrate that the speculative nature of futures thinking can inspire pleasantly unexpected possibilities, contesting the status quo.

CEGIST, Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal | Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal | ALVA Research and Consulting, Portugal | nstitute of Contemporary History (IHC), Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal

António Alvarenga is a Professor, a Researcher, and an International Consultant who has been working in the Foresight/Scenarios, Strategy, and Innovation fields for the past 20 years with different responsibilities.  António is Adjunct Associate Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics (Univ. Nova Lisboa), and Researcher at CEGIST (Univ. Lisboa) and IHC (FCSH, Univ. Nova Lisboa). He holds a Ph.D. in Management Sciences, contributed to several books and published in leading international journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Foresight, The International Journal of Management Science, International Journal for Equity in Health and Energy Policy. He is the Founder and CEO of ALVA R&C, a consulting company specialized in Foresight and Scenario Planning. He trained +5000 managers and C-level executives and worked as a consultant/mentor with +100 organizations.

Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Since the mid-1990s my research interests have focused on two areas: Research and innovation strategies in industrial sectors, and Technology Foresight. Currently my research interests focus on:

  • Understanding and development of processes for joint research and innovation strategies for industrial sectors. In particular, I am interested in priority-setting and stakeholder inclusion.
  • Further conceptual development of the concept of Innovation System Foresight.
  • Technology Foresight; in particular methods for stakeholder inclusion.

I have been involved in numerous research and advisory project in Danish, Nordic, European and international contexts. Together with colleagues and partners, I have carried out technology foresight and research projects on technologies such as wind turbines, fuel cells, hydrogen energy, sensor technology, nano technology, and robotics & cognition and on industrial sectors such as agri-food, facilities management and science & technology parks. Besides this, I have supervised several doctoral students and taught foresight at international courses and seminars for both public sector officials and academic audiences. During most of my academic career I have been engaged in management and administration of research groups.

International Policy Dynamics Ltd, London, United Kingdom

Dr Daniel Arthur is Director of International Policy Dynamics Ltd, specialising in business simulation and bespoke analytics consultancy and development for applied business and economic modelling and evaluation challenges in government and business.  He has worked across multiple industry sectors and in academia on visioning research and modelling applied to business innovation.

Independent researcher, Nyack, New York

Sophia (she/her) is an independent futures literacy and foresight researcher practitioner whose work focuses on capacity-building for transformative inner, organisational, and broader socio-cultural change. She has researched, designed, facilitated, curated, and convened globally, with experience across diverse contexts, themes, and topics including but not limited to: futures of: work, education, talent, tourism, disaster risk resilience, climate resilience; gender equality & women’s empowerment, artificial Intelligence & emerging technologies, digital humanities; mis-/dis-/malinformation (MDM); (con)spirituality, health & wellness. As a learner, companion, and guide on journeys of collective inquiry, she remains grounded in a commitment to un/learning through perpetual experimentation. Her mixed methods approaches are transdisciplinary, experiential, and guided by decolonial praxis. She is endlessly curious about  re/imagining our possible futures yet-to-be-woven.and the beautiful complexities of our entangled earthly existence. Sophia holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Management from St. John’s University (Jamaica, NY) and is a TFSX (formerly The Futures School) Certified Foresight Practitioner. Much of her work is inspired and informed  by her lived experiences as a first-generation daughter of the Haitian diaspora born and raised in New York and as a  long-term guest of Asia, the UAE, North and Central America.

College of Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Jessica is a change management consultant and she serves private industry and public sector organizations by developing change management strategies that deliver expedited adoption of change. She performs assessments of organizational readiness, change capacity, stakeholder impacts, and resistance risks, to quantify the complexity of changes to determine requirements for effective stakeholder engagement. Jessica regularly provides coaching to executive teams challenged with delivering disruptive business transformations. She is pursuing her Ph.D. at the University of Georgia in Learning, Leadership and Organization Development.

School of Education, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

Thomas is a Professor of Organizational Learning, Performance and Change at Colorado State University.  He teaches courses on change management, organization development, human expertise and scenario planning.  His research focuses on scenario planning theory and outcomes.  He also consults widely and specifically on the topic of scenario planning and speaks at Futures and Foresight Science conferences and forums throughout the world.

School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | University of Houston, Houston, Texas

Adam Cowart is a PhD researcher and teaching fellow in the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University studying Transition Design and an adjunct professor of foresight at the University of Houston. He holds a BFA and MFA in creative writing from the University of British Columbia, an MBA from Simon Fraser University, and an MSc in foresight from the University of Houston. His research focuses on futures storytelling to facilitate systems-level transitions. Courses of instruction include: Experiential Futures, Research Methods in Design, Design Futures, Advanced Strategy and Planning, and Alternative Perspectives in Futures.

The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland

Dr Megan Crawford works in data science and scenario planning. Her research looks into how individuals and organisations frame and make decisions about the future (biases), structured group techniques (optimisation), and strategy development (impact), with a specialisation in AI integration. Megan is PI of the Futures & Analytics Research Lab (FAR), which supports advancements for historically underrepresented groups, and Research Lead with the Centre for Business Innovations and Sustainable Solutions (CBISS).

CEGIST, Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Jörg Michael Delhaes is a Researcher at the Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico (CEGIST) in Lisbon, Portugal. His research interests focus on conceptual and technological innovation in Corporate Foresight and the application of Corporate Foresight in the integration & separation of companies. He works as a Principal in the Transaction & Investor Services of the consultancy Roland Berger, specializing in Post-Merger Integrations (PMIs), Carve-outs and Joint Ventures.

Chester Business School, University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom

James Derbyshire is Professor of Innovation and Uncertainty Management at the University of Chester. His career has so far encompassed spells in higher education, private-sector consulting, and government. Prior to joining University of Chester, he was a Senior Research Fellow at Middlesex University, where he published academic journal papers, carried out consulting projects for government and led grant bids and research-council funded projects. He has also worked at the policy consultancy RAND Corporation (Senior Analyst) and at Cambridge Econometrics (Senior Economist), at the technology and management consultancy Capgemini, and at the European Commission. He has conducted a wide range of consultancy research for varied government bodies and organisations. His academic research has recently been funded by the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust and British Academy of Management. His research interests coalesce around innovation and uncertainty management, with a particular focus on scenario-based approaches as an aid to decision-making under uncertainty. His current research focuses on the creation of scenario methods that can assist in meeting carbon-reduction targets by accelerating socio-technical transitions. For his PhD, completed in 2007 at the University of Liverpool, he employed agent-based modelling to understand the effect on knowledge diffusion and innovation of different firm-level network configurations.

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science & Technology, Middlesex University London, London, United Kingdom

Mandeep K Dhami, PhD, is Professor of Decision Psychology at Middlesex University London. Mandeep has previously held academic positions in the UK (University of Surrey and University of Cambridge), Canada (University of Victoria), USA (University of Maryland) and Germany (Max Planck Institute for Human Development). She has also worked as a Principal Scientist for the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL, UK Ministry of Defence), and has work experience in two British prisons. Mandeep is an internationally recognized expert on human judgment and decision-making, risk perception, and uncertainty communication. She has authored over 135 scholarly publications and is lead editor of the book ‘Judgment and Decision Making as a Skill’. Her research has received several international awards including from the European Association for Decision Making, the American Psychological Association (Division 9), and the NATO Science & Technology Organisation. Mandeep regularly advises Government bodies nationally and internationally on evidence-based policy and practice. She is Editor of Judgment and Decision Making and President-elect of the European Association for Decision Making.

Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany

FEUKEU Kwamou Eva co-runs the Decolonial Comparative Law project at Max Planck Institute for Comparative Private International Law (Germany). She previously worked as the Africa coordinator for Futures Literacy at UNESCO for 4 years. She has also organised her own practice as a head futurist for international organisations (UNICEF Innocenti, OECD, UNGP), development organisations (AFD, IDRC) and several universities. She is also directly invested in artistic interdisciplinary projects (Lagos & Yaoundé Biennales, Taipei Arts Festival). Kwamou has been curating and designing conversational spaces using the future as a context (space), an experience (temporality), and an opportunity to engage in conversations that matter to those who solicit them. She is both an anticipation specialist (futurist) and a legal scholar based in Hamburg, Germany, to coordinate a project on ‘Decolonial comparative law’. The main inquiry behind her work has been: ‘how to allow space for the negotiation of meaning to deepen conversations?’ Imagination, futures literacy, and active listening come as a significant piece of the response-to-be.

Kingston Business School, Kingston University London, Surrey, United Kingdom

Dr Elena Fitkov-Norris is an Associate Professor in Data Science and AI at Kingston University, London. Her research work focuses on the use of data analytic and AI in data driven decision making and the practices and advanced techniques (e.g., causal reasoning, machine learning) that can be used to predict and evaluate the impact from interventions. Her current projects explore causal AI and its potential to minimise confounding bias in observational data as well as a tool for enhancing corporate foresight and innovation.

Bursa Technical University, Bursa, Türkiye

Gökhan Gökmen is a lecturer in the Maritime Faculty at Bursa Technical University. They hold a Bachelor’s degree in Maritime Business Administration, a Master’s degree in Marine Transport with Management and a Doctorate in Corporate Strategy. Through training, they have developed a deep curiosity and appreciation for the uncertain, complex, and interconnected nature of doing business globally and the world order in general. This is reflected in their research interest, which covers marine transport and trade, strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, foresight and scenario planning. Having graduated from the university with distinction, Gökhan obtained funding for their postgraduate education. Following receiving their doctorate, they secured a substantial research fund from Horizon Europe that they developed in partnership with a diverse group of academics and stakeholders from the private sector. The research aims to enhance the decision-making process of Türkiye and several other EU countries’ Maritime Spatial Planning by exploring the regions’ plausible futures. Gökhan is keen to teach and guide organisations and firms in thinking ahead into the future and facilitating organisational learning, creative problem solving, and decision making. They recently quit smoking and started doing yoga daily.

Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

Dr Adam Gordon is Associate Professor at Aarhus University School of Management, and Unesco Chair in Anticipatory Foresight and Futures Capabilities. He has over 30 years experience as advisor, facilitator and educator in the futures field, with particular focus on how it informs management decision-making and strategic leadership. In addition to academic and teaching roles at more than a dozen business schools over the years, he has also worked extensively in executive education, and in applied futures innovation and policy consulting. He is a graduate of the University of Houston MS in in Strategic Foresight.

School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Steinbeis University, Herrenberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Heiko A. von der Gracht is Professor of Strategic Foresight at Steinbeis University, School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), in Germany. Before he was Associate Professor at University of Erlangen–Nuremberg. He holds a PhD in Business Studies from EBS University of Business and Law, Germany. Since 2013, he has also held various management positions at KPMG Germany, currently as Department Head in KPMG’s Solutions unit and Head of the firm’s cross-divisional Metaverse Taskforce. He has published more than 100 scientific and practice-oriented articles and has given more than 250 conference appearances and lectures. He is the co-founder and associate editor of several academic journals, among them Futures & Foresight Science and Technological Forecasting & Social Change. His research interests encompass corporate foresight, the Delphi and scenario techniques, foresight skills and education, and quality standards in futures research. His works have been published in several books and peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting & Social Change and Journal of Supply Chain Management.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

I am educator and scholar in the field of science and technology studies (STS) working at the intersections of energy, surveillance and equity, with a focus on the technical and political interventions of civil society and other nonstate actors in nonliberal democracies.

Independent scholar, San Diego, California

Mushfiqa Monica Jamaluddin is an award-winning relational & experiential futurist, facilitator, and executive coach with over a decade of experience guiding individuals and organizations through complex transitions. Combining her background in finance, technology, strategy, and operations with a Masters in Strategic Foresight, she brings a transdisciplinary lens to her work. Mushfiqa has served as a consultant and advisor to clients around the globe, including Ghana, Bhutan, Ecuador, Rwanda, Peru, Japan, and the US. She has coached senior and mid-level leaders in companies including Amazon, Electronic Arts, Dropbox, NVIDIA, VMWare, and the US military. Her facilitation skills have been showcased in workshops globally, addressing themes like leadership, deep listening, team building, gender equality, women’s empowerment, and embodied storytelling. Mushfiqa specializes in harnessing liminality for transformation, empowering thoughtful leaders to align long-term visions with actionable strategies. She blends intuition with strategic acumen and grounds it in curiosity, connection, and candor. Her clients have called her their trusted advisor, vision-holder, and midwife for their dreams. At the core of Mushfiqa’s work is a fascination with relationality and its role in creating systems-level change towards more inclusive and equitable futures.

Wits School of Governance, Johannesburg, South Africa

Professor Geci Karuri-Sebina is an African scholar-practitioner based in Johannesburg working in the intersection between people, place, time and technological change with a focus on the Global South. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Wits School of Governance where she is hosting the African Civic Tech Innovation Network and establishing a Centre of Excellence in Digital Governance. Geci is recognised and published in the fields of urban development and governance, innovation, and anticipatory studies, and has worked extensively in public good (R&D, government and civic) organisations internationally. She is currently the ICESCO (Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Chair on Innovation and Futures in Africa, Vice President of AfricaLICS (the community of innovation scholars in Africa), and a founding director of the Southern Africa Node of the Millennium Project.  Geci holds Bachelors degrees in Computer Science and Sociology from Coe College (Iowa); Masters degrees in Architecture and in Urban Planning from UCLA (Los Angeles); and a PhD in Planning & Innovation Systems from the University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg).

School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Steinbeis University, Herrenberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kisgen is an Assistant Professor of Leadership at Steinbeis University, School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), in Germany. Since 2005, she has also held various management positions at SIBE, since 2015, she is managing partner of SIBE. She serves on various editorial boards, among others Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal. She completed her doctorate at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU), in Germany on the subject of “The Future of Business Leadership Education in Tertiary Education for Graduates”. Her research interest encompass Delphi and scenario techniques, leadership, leadership education in higher education, international management, foreign trade, Chinese and international law.

Kingston Business School, Kingston University London, Surrey, United Kingdom

Nataliya Kocheva is a PhD candidate and a lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Kingston Business School, London, UK. She is an experienced market research consultant, having worked for several sports clubs and organisations both in the UK and abroad, as well as, an able sportsperson, a bronze medallist from the World Handball Championships in 1989.

Wieland Group, Ulm, Germany

Dr. Nick Lange is Innovation and Technology Manager at the Wieland Group in Germany. Before, he was a research expert in innovation and scientific projects at Steinbeis University, School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE). Since 2022, he has been active as a lecturer in different management-related master’s study programs at German universities: international management at Steinbeis University, sustainability management and digital management at Hochschule Fresenius and educational management at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU). He was awarded a doctorate in general pedagogy and educational research from LMU for his dissertation on “Future perspectives for Higher Education: A Delphi-based Scenario Study with Special Regard to Elite Higher Education Institutions and Leadership Education”. His research interests are in the areas of foresight, especially Delphi and scenario techniques, leadership education, elite education and higher education, and futures of education.

Department of Finance, Abu Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

My name is Mariam Al Mansoori, from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. With a diverse professional background spanning over 20 years, I have honed my skills as a Strategic Planning professional across various sectors, including healthcare, transport, and finance. Recently, I delved into the world of real estate bespoke projects, reigniting my passion for exploration and innovation. What intrigues me most is the dynamic interplay of future literacy a realm that has consistently fascinated me with its compelling tools and awe-inspiring outcomes. This passion led me to pursue a doctorate degree, guiding me to the esteemed Strathclyde University in Glasgow. Over five years of dedicated study, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the exploration of future foresight, engaging with and learning from experts in the field from around the globe. My academic journey exposed me to invaluable insights from renowned entities such as Royal Dutch Shell in the UK, the Centre for Strategic Futures in Singapore, Thinking Futures in Australia, and GBN and Monitor Group in the United States. These experiences have not only shaped my academic pursuits but have also fueled my commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the ever-evolving landscape of future foresight.

Maître de conférences HDR, CNAM, National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France

Anne Marchais-Roubelat is a senior lecturer in organization and strategy, responsible for the master’s degree in Organizations and Transitions to Sustainable Development (OTDD) at the CNAM. She has published two books on decision and action processes: La décision. Figures, symbols and myths, Aport éditions, 2012, and De la décision à l’actions. Essaie de stratégie et tactique, Bibliothèque stratégique, Economica 2000. She has been a scientific advisor for the Ministry of Defense, an expert for the General Council of Cher, a member of the steering committee of the study “Adaptations to climate change in France. Study on the mobilization of economic sectors”, Ministry of Ecological Transition, 2020-2021. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Flux, a HCERES classified journal in geography-planning-urbanism and of the editorial board of the journal Prospective et Stratégie, published on

School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland

As a PhD researcher at the University of the West of Scotland, Dawn McAra-Hunter focuses her research on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on marginalised communities. Her research also critically examines the dynamics that influence decision-makers in implementing AI technologies, with a keen focus on the intersection of technology and social justice. In addition to her academic work, as the Project Manager for the Scottish AI Alliance, Dawn play’s a crucial role in delivering Scotland’s National AI strategy. Her dedication to inclusivity and diversity in technology further extends to her work with Diverse AI, where she actively works to engage the LGBTQ+ community in artificial intelligence. Through this combination of research, government strategy delivery, and community engagement, Dawn’s continued focus is in ensuring that AI development and implementation are inclusive and beneficial for all sections of society.

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Peter McKiernan is a Professor of Management at the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship at Strathclyde Business School. He also holds a distinguished professorship at the Brussels Institute of Governance, VUB, and professorships at the University of Malta and the University of Notre Dame, Australia. A sought-after keynote speaker, his research and practice focus on how countries, institutions, and organizations anticipate and prepare for their future, enhancing resilience and creativity in policies and strategies. Peter has led strategic foresight and strategy projects globally, including with countries e.g., Scotland, Singapore; regions, Fife, Grampian, Stirlingshire; cities Edinburgh, Glasgow; island economies e.g., Shetlands, States of Jersey; and blue-chip organisations around the world e.g., IBM, BP, Philips, Jardine Matheson, Reed-Elsevier, Siemens-GPT, Marks and Spencer. Notably, he recently led projects for the Glasgow City Region, the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, and the Advanced Nuclear Research Centre in Scotland. Peter has held board positions in the UK private and public sectors and received recognition for his contributions, including the BAM Lifetime Achievement award and the Cooper medal. He has authored 10 books, including the bestseller “Sharpbenders,” and is involved in various professional bodies, including being a co-founder of the social movement ‘Responsible Research in Business and Management’.

Centre for Business in Society, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom

Maureen is Professor of Strategic Management in the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS), Coventry University, where she is co-leader of a research cluster on ‘Data, Organisations and Society’, with a particular interest in ‘big data’, the governance of data and the strategic decision-making that can result from shared data. Formerly with Open University Business School and Warwick Business School, Maureen has a background in mathematics, statistics and operational research, and has many years’ experience of working with ‘big data’ and customer analytics, both as a practitioner in the financial services sector and an academic. Maureen is a Fellow of the British Academy of Management (BAM), and a Fellow of the Peer Review College at BAM. She is an Associate Editor of the journal Long Range Planning.  Maureen is co-author of Strategy: Theory, Practice, Implementation (Oxford University Press, 2023, 2nd edition). Maureen has published on the use of strategy tools such as scenario planning and visioning by senior managers, and the post-merger integration phase following M&A deals.

School of Business Management, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom

Alessandro is a Lecturer in Accounting at Queen Mary University of London, a qualified chartered accountant, and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). With expertise in corporate governance, his research focus extends to the integration of digital technologies, such as big data and artificial intelligence, in shaping strategic decisions and digital strategies. He was awarded different projects from some accounting bodies, UKRI and other institutions in the UK. He is a member of the British Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society and International Corporate Governance Society. He is one of the organisers and co-chair of the European Internal Audit and Corporate Governance conference.

Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Frances is an Associate Professor of Operational Research and Analytics at Warwick Business School where she teaches a wide variety of students from undergraduate through to MBA and Executive Education.  Her teaching specialisms and research interests are in the methodology and practice of Operational Research and Analytics, and the development and use of tools to support organisational strategic development, including scenario planning.  She previously worked for Ford of Europe as an Operational Research Analyst specialising in simulation modelling, manpower planning and optimisation.

CEGIST, Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal | iBB – Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences and i4HB – Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 

Mónica Duarte Oliveira is Full Professor of Decision Sciences at Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and a Researcher at CEGIST. Her research interests include the development of management science models to assist policy and decision-makers in health and clinical settings, with a special interest in multi-criteria value modeling using participatory processes. She has enhanced and applied management science techniques in multiple organizations. She has published her research in Operations Research, Management Science, and Health Economics and Policy international journals, has been active in international health projects, and has been involved in advisory boards of the Portuguese Ministry of Health.

Department of Marketing, Operations and Systems, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Dilek Önkal, PhD,  is Professor of Business Information Systems and Analytics and Head of the Analytics Subject Group at the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. UK. She received her B.A. (summa cum laude) from Boğaziçi University and her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.  She was an academic visitor at Oxford University Department of Economics (2006-2007) and an associate member of the Nuffield College (2006-2007, 2018); she was a visiting professor at University of Bath (2009-2018) and an Honorary Research Fellow at UCL (2015-2022).  Dilek was a Director of the International Institute of Forecasters (2006-2014),  Editor of International Journal of Forecasting (2015-2019), and Associate Editor of International Journal of Forecasting (2002-2015).  She currently serves on Editorial Boards of Futures and Foresight Science and Forecasting.  Dilek is also an Associate Editor of the IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, and a member of the Committee of Professors in Operational Research (COPIOR).  Her research focuses on the role of judgment in forecasting and strengthening the synergies with scenarios and decision making.  Dilek is a Fellow and Distinguished Researcher of the International Institute of Forecasters and is a member of the Foresight Advisory Board.

Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Harry Patria, with a 17-year tenure in the energy sector, has distinguished himself in the integration of data science and AI into strategic frameworks. His academic pursuits include a significant role as a doctoral researcher at the University of Strathclyde’s Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship. His practical expertise is evidenced by his advisory roles across Indonesia’s premier enterprises and his leadership at Patria & Co., where he spearheaded over 100 predictive analytics projects and guided a team of 500 professionals, cementing his reputation as a vanguard in the convergence of technology and business strategy.

Asia School of Business, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Shardul Phadnis is an Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Asia School of Business. He explores the intersection of supply chains and strategic management: how scenario planning influences the adaptability of supply chain configurations and how organizations create value by orchestrating supply chain operations. His book “Strategic Planning for Dynamic Supply Chains: Preparing for Uncertainty Using Scenarios” (2022) describes first-hand accounts of applications of scenario planning for strategic supply chain planning in three in-depth cases involving businesses and governmental planning agencies. He received the Giarratani Rising Star Award for the year 2015 from the Industry Studies Association for his research in apparel supply chains. Shardul holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Systems from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a member of the editorial board of Futures & Foresight Science. He serves as the President of the board of a Malaysia sustainable food bank, The Lost Food Project.

Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France

UNESCO chair in Foresight and strategic international intelligence, Dr Fabrice Roubelat is a French scenario planner and an Associate Professor at the University of Poitiers, Graduate School of Business, where supervises doctoral theses in scenario planning and foresight.

He has been involved in scenario planning and futures studies for two decades. His works include the design of interacting scenarios and the analysis of the functions and dysfunctions of foresight processes. He developed a methodology to design action based scenarios, which has been implemented in fields such as climate change, community planning and defense issues. He is a board member of the French Institute of Strategy and Conflicts and president of the Society for Foresight and Strategy. He has been previously a staff member of the corporate planning unit of the public utility Electricité de France. He published many papers in international refeered journals such as Futures, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Long Range Planning and the Journal of Futures Studies. He edited two books and published many papers in French. Fabrice is the editor of Prospective et Stratégie and associate editor of Futures. He is the managing founder of the special interest group on Anticipation practices of the International French-speaking strategic management society (AIMS).

Pennsylvania State University, Altoona, Pennsylvania

Nicholas J. Rowland is full Professor of Sociology at the Pennsylvania State University. He is also the Academic Trustee on Penn State’s Board of Trustees. He studies governance, the future, and the conduct of science.

Roskilde University, Department of People and Technology, Roskilde, Denmark


Matthew J. Spaniol is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Foresight in the Department of People and Technology at Roskilde University (Denmark). His research on foresight tools has appeared in outlets such as Long Range Planning, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Futures, Marine Policy, and the Journal of Cleaner Production. He serves on the editorial board of Futures and Foresight Science and has over a decade’s experience in executive education and in facilitating future-focused workshops across industries such as maritime, offshore, construction, tourism, logistics, security, food, and agriculture.

Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Dr Efstathios (Stathis) Tapinos is Reader of Strategic Management at the Hunter Centre of Entrepreneurship at Strathclyde Business School. His-research is focused on Strategy Development in terms of processes and practices. In particular, he is researching the impact of Perceived Uncertainty, Prospective Sensemaking and the practice of Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning.

CEGIST, Centre for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Ana C.L. Vieira is an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and a Researcher at CEGIST. Her research primarily explores the development of participatory and collaborative decision-making methods within environments characterized by multiple stakeholders. Specifically, she focuses on multicriteria decision analysis and foresight techniques, applying these mainly to the fields of public health and healthcare systems. She has actively participated in international research projects, concentrating on the use of foresight in health policy development and regulation, as well as Health Technology Assessment. Additionally, she has contributed to educational projects by developing innovative pedagogical strategies that incorporate the Delphi method.

University of Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom

Dr Graham Winch is Emeritus Professor in Business Analysis, having retired from his full-time role as Research Professor in the University of Plymouth Business School, a post he held since 1987.  His early academic career was with Durham University.  He has also been active as a consultant worldwide and for a time was a director and leading consultant with Federal Group, a Boston USA based strategy consultancy.

Management Science, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Professor George Wright has accumulated about 22,000 citations. He provided advice on developing energy transition scenarios to SSE Plc and Wood Group Plc. He is a current co-investigator on research grants from BAE Systems, the AHRC, and the NERC. In all these activities, his focus is on improving futures and foresight capabilities. His scenario development methods involve systems dynamics. He is Editor-in-Chief of the new-start Wiley journal, Futures & Foresight Science.